Can I Just Take Laxatives?

Taking laxatives is just a band aide for colon issues. Laxatives will only remove some fecal matter from the colon, they tend to liquefy the stool, create cramping and leave old, hard impacted toxins in the colon.  Have you ever noticed in a store there is a whole isle for Colon Cleanse, Stool Softeners and other Colon aides?  Well that is because most people have colon issues and want a quick fit.  Which is why Colon products is the 2nd largest over the counter item sold without a prescription!! Colon care products are a multi-billion dollar business in the US today!!   Any wonder Colon Cancer is the #2 killer today.

Taking laxatives usually makes people dependent on them or they cannot have a bowel movement.  Being dependent on anything other than your own body to release & remove toxins can be unhealthy for you especially your colon.  Built up colon products like pysilum seed, husks or powders lead to blockage of the colon and may need to be removed surgically .

There can be side effects on the colon and your body if you are taking prescription drugs, some laxatives cannot be taken if you are on bone drugs as they block calcium absorption.  They also contain large amounts of sugars which will irritate the colon and add calories.  You may also experience rectal itching, stomach discomfort, bloating colon, gas and cramping.

If you  “HAVE TO”  take any type of laxative to have a bowel movement call now for your appointment  480 239 2385  Remember Your #2 Is Your #1 Priority  I Can Help

How Long Does it Take To Digest My Food?

Many clients wonder how long does it takes for my food to exit my colon?  After you eat you should eliminate your food in 18-24 hours.  If you digest too fast you are not absorbing nutrients. If  the food is passing thought the colon too quickly, you will not get the benefits of what you ate.  A few ways to know how do I know when I eliminated my meal.

1). Eat some corn (only if you are not allergic to corn) it will pass through the colon the same way as you ate it… whole.

2).  Take 4 or 5 Charcoal capsules with 8oz water ( write down the time you took them, preferably after a meal) , as the charcoal passes through the colon and exits your stool will be black like tar, note the time it took to see black tar-like stool. This will tell you how long the food has traveled through the colon.  If it takes longer than 24 hours you may want to make an appointment for Colon Hydrotherapy Session.

During a session I noticed corn as my client released, my client said no it can’t be corn.  Once again later in the session I saw more corn, I asked the client “Why do you say it can’t be corn”?  My client stated that she had an allergy test 6 months ago and found she was allergic to corn and has not eaten corn in the past 6 months!!!  She took 6 months for her to digest her food.

What is a Colon?

A lot of people ask me what is a colon?  Some think that the entire stomach and intestines are the colon.

When you hear colon, intestine and or bowels you are talking about the same thing.  The small intestine is 25-30 feet the size of a tennis court!! Our large intestine is 5-5 1/2 feet .  This is the area where we eliminate foods we eat.  You eat a meal and the food travels to your stomach then goes to your small intestine and it is in liquid form, 90% of the nutrients vitamins & minerals are absorbed here.   From the small intestine it travels through the Ileo cecal valve to the large intestine up the ascending colon mind you it’s still in liquid form, the last 10% of nutrients  vitamins & minerals are absorbed here.  It passes through the transverse colon ( top part of colon) and starts to form a firm stool. Now it goes down the descending colon to the sigmoid and exits the rectum.  Your meal is free at last!  See  post on How long does it  take to digest my food?




What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon Hydrotherapy, sometimes known as colonics, has been in use for centuries. Colon hydrotherapy is a hygienic process that removes toxins from the body by toning and hydrating the colon. During the process of colonic irrigation, warm, filtered water is gently infused into the colon using low and carefully regulated pressure. On releasing, gas, mucous, impacted feces and toxins are removed gently.

With the advent and incorporation of chemicals in our world today, colon hydrotherapy has become even more valuable. Some medications have the side effect of decreasing bowel transit time or decreasing the efficacy of our digestive systems. This could lead to chronic diseases such as constipation, migraines, bad breath, arthritis, and autoimmune conditions.

“I saw few die of hunger – of eating, a hundred thousand.”
Benjamin Franklin

Some of the symptoms that may be relieved with colon hydrotherapy:
• Constipation
• Weight gain
• Fatigue
• Gas
• Bloating
• Diarrhea
• Bad breath
• Body odor
• Depression headache
• Weight retention
• Protruding abdomen and discomfort
• Skin blemishes and acne
• Nerve issues
• Low back pain
• Cold hands and feet
• Fibromyalgia
• Gluten Intolerance & Allergy

If you are experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, call now for your appointment.

Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy has many health benefits, including:

  • Relaxes the organs above the intestines such as the liver, heart, and lungs, when the volume of stored matter in the colon is reduced.
  • Lowers pressure in the abdominal area, which improves circulation in the lower extremities and pelvic area.
  • Relaxes abdominal muscles, and relaxes pressure on the hips and lower back.
  • Increases abdominal muscle tone due to reducing intestinal residues.
  • Stimulates peristaltic action of the intestines, which helps restore normal muscle tone.
  • Reduces constipation, and improves intestinal transit – without resorting to prescription drugs.
  • Eliminates mucus, gases, and toxic bacteria.
  • Relieves inflammation and edema due to elimination of irritating substances.
  • Expels parasites, as alternating water temperatures and complementary additives to colonic water such as garlic and other parasite killing herbs.
  • Decreases demineralization of your body as it improves metabolism.
  • Relieves gynecological disorders such as cystitis and dysmenorrhea due to reduction of prolapsed intestine.
  • Improves function of the large intestines, lymph and nervous system.
  • Reduces weight and slims, decreasing the degenerative process.