Detoxing Spa Day

I am proud to introduce a new Detox Program.  One Day Detox Spa Day.

This process has been used in several European countries as well as Australia for years and I am excited to offer this technique to my clients.

The appointment is 4-5 hours. 

1.  You will receive a Colon Hydrotherapy session.

2.  Have  some herbal tea.

3. Recieve  a 2nd Colon Hydrotherapy session & intestinal massage.

4.  Enjoy and light soup.  Discuss diet & nutritional needs.

5. Receive a 3rd Colon Hydrotherapy session this will be a quiet meditative time, we focus on releasing and letting go.  Non verbal session  just a  relaxing time.

6.  Discuss that you can do to stay healthy in between visits.  You will leave with a personalized plan and information for your needs  & goals.  You will also have several products to take with you to get you on your way to continue Detoxing and having a healthy happy Colon

If you are ready to Detox and let go of old built up Toxins then Detox Spa Day Is For You

Call today to set up your appointment.  480 239 2385

Detoxing The Body

I am frequently asked about many different  Detoxing modalities.  Which one is best?  How Long should I Detox?  What should I Detox?  There are several answers. 

First of all I suggest a free Detox consultation.  I want to know the reason for a Detox program.  Detoxing the body can be a long process depending on your needs & personal goals.  It can also be a easy daily routine.

Colon Hydrotherapy is one of the best ways to Detox and to help eliminate unwanted body waste and toxic build-up.  There are many products to choose from.  Most of the colon Detox products have Psyllium seed, husk or powder in them.  I choose NOT to use Psyllium products at all.  The main reason I say this is Most people Don’t drink enough water while taking Psyllium  I suggest 1/2 to 1 GALLON of water a day if taking Psyllium.  To properly Detox you Have to hydrate especially while taking a psyllium based product.  Psyllium sweeps the colon but does not necessarily have Detox qualities.

One easy Detox idea is to drink 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon in 6-8oz of warm water upon rising in the morning.  This will assist the liver to Detox gently.

Once you have decided what Detox program to begin be sure to make your appointment for Colon Hydrotherapy and Relflorastation treatment.


Colon Hydrotherapy It’s A MIRACLE!

When I first met the Reverend I saw a old man hunched over unable to walk by himself being assisted by a man & women.  He appeared to be in his 80’s.  He was being treated by a Naturpathic  Doctor for some type a toxicity..

A few days later her was receiving his first Colon Hydrotherapy session.  He was being assisted by 2 men, they helped him to the restroom, helped him with his gown and got him on the massage table.  The Reverend needed to stay on his rightside and I gave him is session on his side.  He was very tired & slept through most of the session.  I had a hard time hearing him  and he could barely speak. When the session was over he again received assistance from the 2 young men, helping him in the restroom & getting hm dressed.  The next day the client had his second session and also he was receiving a I.V. ( to assist toxicity removal )  He  felt much better and was more alert and talkative.  I learned he was only 69 years old and came from another state to receive treatment for toxicity.  He was still getting assistance to and from the massage table and restroom before & after his Colon Hydrotherapy session.

Here comes the Miracle…..  The 3rd session has just Amazing.  Not only was the client alert he was talking!  After the session he was assisted into the restroom, while waiting for him to be finished I was talking with the 2 young men.  They were sharing that The Reverend was doing much better after all his De-toxing.  I then heard a noise and asked one of the gentlemen to check on The Rev.  Well to all our surprise The Rev opened the bathroom door and walk out without assistance or help!  It was a truly a Miracle to see such an improvement in just one week of Detoxing. 

In the next few weeks The Rev was doing so well that he was able to play his trumpet in church the following Sunday.   It’s A Miracle!!     Colon Hydrotherapy has helped many people.  Remember Your #2  Is your #1  Priorty  I can Help!

Colon Hydrotherapy and Candida

Colon Hydrotherapy is a great way to reduce & clear Candida from the colon.  You may wonder  WHAT IS CANDIDA?   First of all I want to say,  many people have Candida  in their gut.  Candida Albicans( Candidiasis ) is described as a fungal over-growth in the colon which can cause many health issues.  Candida use usually found in the colon, but has been found in the throat, esophagus, the sinuses  and even the belly button! Candida is deep rooted in our tissues & organs.

What causes Candida?  Oral contraceptives, refined carbohydrates, sugars and overuse of antibiotics. Poor diet S.A.D. Standard American Diet (junk foods sugar & starch)  Having Colon Hydrotherapy will help remove the toxic Candida, however there is more to do to totally remove Candida from the body.

What are the symptoms of Candida?  How would I know if I have Candida?

Stomach is sore most of the time     Constipation and or darrhea    Mouth ulcers  Athletes foot and or jock itch    Vaginal discharge and or “outbreaks”    Heart beats fast  Feel weak all over   Nervous more than usual    Ears itch   Had Bladder infections   Frequent urge to urinate   Use Hydro cortisone type items  Sensitive to cigarette fumes and chemical smells   Lost interest in  activities such as day to day responsabilites  decrease or loss of sexual desire   Crave Sugars  Alcohol  Beer Wine and Spirits  Breads Pastries    Issues thinking clearly or  concentrating   Chronic rashes & itchng   Have  skin or nail fungal   Bruise easily    Numbness or tingling Sick stomach and or nausea    Joints and muscles  ache most of the time   Headaches   Post nasal drip or nasal congestion   Cough more frequently            These are some of the symptoms.  If you are experiencing 10 or more of these symptoms you may have Candida and may wish to go on a Candida diet and have Colon Hydrotherapy sessions right away   YOU CAN DO A SELF TEST AT HOME to see if you actually have Candida.

Upon rising in the morning take a clear glass and fill with water.  Spit your saliva a few times in the water glass..Do not drink anything or brush your teeth ( until you spit )  Look at glass every 10-15 minutes for about an hour.  Your saliva should be gone.  If saliva has vanished  CONGRATULATIONS No Candida, however should you find cloudy saliva, thick mass of mucus-like stringy webs   and jellyfish looking particles or anything resting on the bottom of glass perhaps you have Candida.  Be sure to make your Colon Hydrotherapy   as soon as possible.  I will offer you health tips and a  proper diet to assist you to rid your body of Candida.


Colon Hydrotherapy & Dentistry

Is Colon Hydrotherapy & Dentistry important?  YES!!!   There has been many studies regarding Colon Care  and  your mouth. Your  teeth play an important role in Optimal Health.  In Homeopathy studies sub-lingual ( under the tongue ) correlates with everything you put in your mouth,  then goes directly into your system.  If you have your teeth cleaned the bacteria can go straight into your blood system thus creating health issues. It is highly recommend that you have Colon Hydrotherapy after every dental appointment.  Not only does Colon Hydrotherapy clean your colon it helps strengthens your immune system. The Germans have studied the teeth &  find that every tooth is connect with some part of your body, another reason to have a  healthy dental lifestyle along with Colon Hydrotherapy.  If you would like more information regarding this subject contact me.  Be sure when choosing a dentist that you find a Bio Identical Dentist.  There are two great dentist’s in the same office where I am, you can have your teeth worked on &  then have a Colon Hydrotherapy session all in one day, saves you time from  traveling around the valley. We can work on you from both ends!   I tell my clients to be sure to chew their foods well, many times I see un-chewed, whole pieces & chunks of  your meal.  Digestion begins in the mouth, I suggest not drinking anything 15 minutes before or after a meal as your saliva is the first stage of digestion.  When you dilute your food by drinking liquids the digest process is slowed way down and the saliva can’t do it’s job properly.  Also if you don’t chew well you will not get the benefits of the nutrient’sfrom the food, thus no real value in what you ate.  Now you may understand the benefits of  Colon Hydrotherapy & Dentistry.  Remember Your #2 Is Your #1 Priority.  I CAN HELP

Call to make your appointment today.  480 239 2385

What Can I Do to Keep My Colon Healthy?


After you have had a series of Colon Hydrotherapy you may want to keep your colon healthy by doing the following:

1). Take plenty of acidophilus each day

2). Drink water

3). Do a Castor oil pack

4). Exercise daily

5). Eat a healthy diet, be sure to eat at lease 60% RAW foods ( food that has NOT been cooked )

6). At any sign of bloating, gas and or constipation be sure make an appointment for Colon Hydrotherapy. 

These things should assist you in keeping a Healthy Colon in between visits.

How Often Should I have Colon Hydrotherapy?

This depends on your current elimination, goals and state of health. If you are experiencing constipation (lack of or no bowel movement daily) you may want to consider Colon Hydrotherapy. I suggest that all clients do a series of at least 3 Colon Hydrotherapy sessions. This will consist of 2 days in a row & the 3rd session within a week. If you only receive 1 session it’s like going to the car wash & only getting your windows cleaned, a series of at least 3 sessions will help remove buildup toxin’s from the colon. Depending on your results from your Colon Hydrotherapy sessions and personal goals, will help determine how many other sessions you will require to obtain optimal health & balance.

Once you have reached your goal you will want to maintain your Colon Health by scheduling 3 Colon Hydrotherapy sessions every 4-6 months. This willl help remove toxin’s and keep you in optimial health & well being. Someone who experances chronic constipation ( no bowel movent for days ) will want to schedule several Colon Hydrotherapy sessions. There is not a simple answer for everyone, as we each have individual desires and goals. How often you desire Colon Hydrotherapy will be discussed with me as I offer free phone consultations, just call 480-239-2385

What’s the difference between Colon Hydrotherapy and Enema’s?

What’s the difference between Colon Hydrotherapy and Enema’s?

Colon hydrotherapy cleanse more of the colon, as an Enema will ONLY cleanse a small lower portion of the colon.

With an enema you have little to no control of the water pressure and amount of water administered into the colon.  Also thier could be a question of purity of the water.

Colon Hydrotherapy is safe and sanitary way to cleanse the colon. Filtered and Ultra Violet water is used to cleanse the colon.

With colon hydrotherapy there is no ordor or “having to hold” the water in the colon. It is a easy & comfortable process, the waste leaves the body and flows out into a sewer line ( just the same as flushing the toilet ) No clean up, fusss or mess.  By having Colon Hydrotherapy rather than an Enema you will detox more of the colon.

Why De-Toxing is So Important

Many people wonder why it is so important to detox the colon.  Can you imagine a garbage disposal full of waste and it just sits there getting fuller and fuller?  Just like your colon, you eat and expel food daily and can leave residue inside your colon, this begins to act like  compost creating gas, bloating &  forming a toxic coat to the colon.

Toxins can come in may forms such as outdoor pollutants in traffic, work environments where chemicals & solvents are used.  Having your hair and nails done can be a high area of toxins.

When toxins find their way into your colon they act like magnets and adhere to the colon, grabbing whatever comes their way and attaches to the colon walls, thus creating toxic buildup.  You wan to get the toxins  removed as soon as you can to prevent illness, lack of energy and the beginning of ill health. Getting a series of Colon Hydrotherapy sessions is a good way to De-Tox   your colon.

A few signs of toxic build up can be: Tired  Bloated  Gas  Weight Gain  Constipation  Aches and Pains in the Abdomen


How Do I Know if I am Having a Normal Bowel Movement?

So many people ask this question.  What is normal?  What Size?  Color?  What Shape?  Most people watch Oprah and Dr Oz, and have heard of the S shaped poop!! Yes it is true your bowel movement should eliminate fast & quickly , without straining, pushing or discomfort,  A medium brown color like a brown paper bag is a normal stool color .  The consistency of toothpaste.  The colon should deliver a  2-3 banana shaped, non odorous 4 to 8 inch long stool.  This stool should leave the colon and enter the toilet water smoothly and effortlessly, this is consitered a normal bowel movement.  Once in the toilet it should descend slowly not plop and sink to the bottom nor float.  You should only need to wipe yourself once not keep wiping & smearing more toxins.

STOOL COLOR Is My Stool Normal?  Brown like a paper bag is in the normal range.  Greenish stool can mean you are passing food too quickly through the colon (diarrhea is often greenish).  Or perhaps you eat a good healthy raw diet that consists of green leafy vegetables, this would be a normal bowel movement for you.  Yellowish stool is also moving through the colon too quickly.  Grey and pale colored stool coud be undigested fats in the stool also greasy & shiny that may float.  An excessive use of antacids rolaids or tumms that contain aluminum hydroxide  can change the color of your stool.

SHAPE OF STOOL  If you are passing Ball shaped stool and they drop one at a time you may be a result of liver stagnation, lack of exercise and stress, all of which slows down your colon emptying properly.  Pencil or ribbon shaped stool could be a deficiency of the spleen, overwork and stress is the main cause as well as too much fried food, dairy and or even too many cold liquids.  You may consider a blockage or major  impaction.  Floater or sticking to the toilet sides could be too much fat, fried or greasy foods in the diet.  Soft or very smelly & heavy odor can mean too many fats in the small intestine, chronic stress, immune deficiency, diabetes, lack of fiber and use of oral contraceptives and or other drugs.  White Mucus can be seen with either diarrhea or constipation.  Normal bowel function is not appearant here.  Loose stools an bloating may be signs of Ancient Chinese medicine usually called “Spleen Qi deficiency”  This is linked to weak digestion brought on by stress tiredness and a poor diet, which is not consistant with normal bowel function.  A good ‘S” shaped stool, brown in color 4-6 inches is a normal bowel movement.     Remember to drink pleanty of water.

If you are in the restroom for more than a few minutes or you have time to read, it’s time for Colon Hydrotherapy.