Is Colon Hydrotherapy & Dentistry important? YES!!! There has been many studies regarding Colon Care and your mouth. Your teeth play an important role in Optimal Health. In Homeopathy studies sub-lingual ( under the tongue ) correlates with everything you put in your mouth, then goes directly into your system. If you have your teeth cleaned the bacteria can go straight into your blood system thus creating health issues. It is highly recommend that you have Colon Hydrotherapy after every dental appointment. Not only does Colon Hydrotherapy clean your colon it helps strengthens your immune system. The Germans have studied the teeth & find that every tooth is connect with some part of your body, another reason to have a healthy dental lifestyle along with Colon Hydrotherapy. If you would like more information regarding this subject contact me. Be sure when choosing a dentist that you find a Bio Identical Dentist. There are two great dentist’s in the same office where I am, you can have your teeth worked on & then have a Colon Hydrotherapy session all in one day, saves you time from traveling around the valley. We can work on you from both ends! I tell my clients to be sure to chew their foods well, many times I see un-chewed, whole pieces & chunks of your meal. Digestion begins in the mouth, I suggest not drinking anything 15 minutes before or after a meal as your saliva is the first stage of digestion. When you dilute your food by drinking liquids the digest process is slowed way down and the saliva can’t do it’s job properly. Also if you don’t chew well you will not get the benefits of the nutrient’sfrom the food, thus no real value in what you ate. Now you may understand the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy & Dentistry. Remember Your #2 Is Your #1 Priority. I CAN HELP
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