Having a toxic colon can lead to ill health as printed in headlines in US News & World Report. Visualise your odds of getting a deadly pneumonia by 400%. The results of an antacid study of 500,000 people & 149 doctors came to the little know conclusion. Those people who have been taking acid-suppressing over the counter( OTC) were 4.5 times more likely to get pneumonia than those who have not. People are always searching for ways to get a quick fix for most ailments thus they take many OTC items they can get their hands on. Aware of the built up toxins can cause illness we find OTC antacids easy to take & hopeful they will help.
From The Associated Press and The Washington Post Health states “Arthritis drug users who take antacids may risk bleeding.”
The People’s Medical Society stated “Remember, antacids merely mask symptoms instead of handling the real problem, which could be serious. There are ‘alarm’ symptoms which we tend to ignore.” Kidding yourself kills.
Doctors say “one bowel movement a day isn’t enough to keep your intestines clean, as food rots in you”. Your digestive system is your body’s food processor. Your digestive system is responsible for delivering vitamins & nutrition to your entire body. If your system isn’t working 100%, then your organs, cells,nerves, blood and muscles are NOT getting 100% of the nutrition that s needed to have a healthy body & disease free life. As you can see toxins play a huge part in our health. Sluggish bowels (less than 2 bowel movements daily) can cause bloating and gas, this is just the beginning of toxic build up that can contribute to serious illness and diseases. Be sure that Colon Hydrotherapy is a part of your total health program to help elimanate toxic buld up. Probiotcs and Reflorastation are great balances for your colon care.