What’s the difference between Colon Hydrotherapy and Enema’s?
Colon hydrotherapy cleanse more of the colon, as an Enema will ONLY cleanse a small lower portion of the colon.
With an enema you have little to no control of the water pressure and amount of water administered into the colon. Also thier could be a question of purity of the water.
Colon Hydrotherapy is safe and sanitary way to cleanse the colon. Filtered and Ultra Violet water is used to cleanse the colon.
With colon hydrotherapy there is no ordor or “having to hold” the water in the colon. It is a easy & comfortable process, the waste leaves the body and flows out into a sewer line ( just the same as flushing the toilet ) No clean up, fusss or mess. By having Colon Hydrotherapy rather than an Enema you will detox more of the colon.