Colon Hydrotherapy, sometimes known as colonics, has been in use for centuries. Colon hydrotherapy is a hygienic process that removes toxins from the body by toning and hydrating the colon. During the process of colonic irrigation, warm, filtered water is gently infused into the colon using low and carefully regulated pressure. On releasing, gas, mucous, impacted feces and toxins are removed gently.
With the advent and incorporation of chemicals in our world today, colon hydrotherapy has become even more valuable. Some medications have the side effect of decreasing bowel transit time or decreasing the efficacy of our digestive systems. This could lead to chronic diseases such as constipation, migraines, bad breath, arthritis, and autoimmune conditions.
“I saw few die of hunger – of eating, a hundred thousand.”
– Benjamin Franklin
Some of the symptoms that may be relieved with colon hydrotherapy:
• Constipation
• Weight gain
• Fatigue
• Gas
• Bloating
• Diarrhea
• Bad breath
• Body odor
• Depression headache
• Weight retention
• Protruding abdomen and discomfort
• Skin blemishes and acne
• Nerve issues
• Low back pain
• Cold hands and feet
• Fibromyalgia
• Gluten Intolerance & Allergy
If you are experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, call now for your appointment.